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When to go to Urgent Care for a Stomachache

Jan 18, 2025
When to go to Urgent Care for a Stomachache
When a stomachache has you down for the count, it’s often tricky to pinpoint the cause. When is it just indigestion or a bug, and when could it be something more? Here, we explore common causes, from gas and bloating to more serious concerns.

A stomachache can sneak up on you, quickly derailing your day. When your gut starts acting up, it can be tough to know when to simply ride it out at home — and when to seek professional help.

At Internal Medicine Partners in Naples, Florida, we understand that unexpected health issues can arise at any time, and that’s why we offer same-day urgent care visits. Our experienced providers, Alejandro Blanco, MD and Ralph Rodriguez, MD are dedicated to helping every patient get the answers and treatment they need.

Stomachaches can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, and pinpointing the cause can be tricky. When is it time to go to urgent care? Read on to learn when a stomachache may require medical attention.

Signs your stomachache could be something serious

Virtually everyone experiences stomach pain from time to time. In some cases, the reason is obvious, like a spicy meal, or a stomach bug you pick up from your kids. Other times, the discomfort seems to come out of nowhere.

Most mild, short-lived stomachaches are nothing to worry about. However, you shouldn’t ignore severe abdominal pain, discomfort that persists for days, or symptoms such as:

  • Fever and/or chills
  • Ongoing nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Signs of dehydration (excessive thirst, dizziness, decreased urination)
  • Abdominal swelling or tenderness
  • Bloody stool
  • Painful urination, or bloody urine
  • Jaundice, or yellowing skin and eyes

These symptoms indicate a more serious underlying problem, such as appendicitis or a bowel obstruction. Delaying treatment for these conditions can have serious and potentially life-threatening consequences.

A closer look at common causes of stomach pain

While the occasional stomachache may be normal, they can still cause significant discomfort, leading to missed work and a lower quality of life. Talk to our team if you’re struggling with any of these common causes of stomach pain:


Overindulging in rich foods, spicy meals, or excessive alcohol can irritate the lining of your stomach. This irritation can lead to acid reflux, or heartburn, along with bloating and general discomfort in your upper abdomen.


Trapped gas in the digestive system can cause bloating, abdominal pressure, and even pain. Excessive gas production can occur due to swallowing air while eating or drinking, consuming certain fiber-rich foods, or as a result of bacterial imbalances in your gut.


When you’re backed up, it can lead to symptoms like abdominal cramping, bloating, and discomfort. Dehydration, certain medications, and a lack of dietary fiber can cause constipation.

Food intolerances

Sensitivity to certain substances found in foods, such as lactose in dairy products or gluten in wheat, can trigger digestive upset. Symptoms of food intolerances may include cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and gas.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Up to 45 million Americans live with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This chronic condition affects the digestive system, causing a range of symptoms such as stomachaches, bloating, and both diarrhea and constipation. Stress, certain foods, and hormonal fluctuations can often trigger IBS symptoms.

Whether you’re experiencing a stomachache that requires urgent care, or seeking relief from less critical (but still bothersome) symptoms like heartburn or cramping, our team is here to help. Call Internal Medicine Partners in Naples, Florida, today, or book an appointment online.